In Need Of Assistance
Does anyone out there know a lot of Latin? I need help translating something from English into Latin. This is part of the process of coming up with an official motto. If anyone has any ideas for mottos or tag lines, please post them in the comments.
I was also thinking of doing a random title bar thing like Clarity & Resolve. It's pretty neat and would prove to be effective. Any good motto ideas that aren't picked will probably end up on the list of title bar things. I provide my motto idea below:
Hey, how come I haven't been named as "The Enemy" yet? I think I deserve some credit (and a link) too, eh?
I have yet my 3rd motto.
"Beef Jerky, America's winning snack"
CJ, you're a link whore, but I guess I could acquiesce to your request just this once. Ohh, I said acquiesce, I feel so smart. . . .
"Either you are with us, or against us."
G.W. Bush, 2002 - National Beef Council Convention
Borda is on the payroll of Chick-Fil-a. "Eet mor Chikin!"
I knew all those years of Latin would eventually come in handy..;-)
Here is a rough translation: Ut triumphus in bello esse, beef jerky necesse est.
(Literally: To be triumphant in war, beef jerky is necessary).
Okay, I am a super nerd. I forgot that you don't really use commas in Latin, so it would be:
"Ut triumphus in bello esse beef jerky necesse est."
But better would be:
"Beef Jerky necesse est ut in bello triumphus esse."
But word placement in Latin isn't important, so you can shuffle the words around a bit, and the former looks more intimidating than the latter
I think I am losing my ditzy blonde creds here, so I am going to go back to blogging about all things non-Latin or beef jerky related.
It's alrigfht if you can converse in a dead language. We don't pass judgment around here.
some help from belgium. we don't have beef jerky but we don't win wars either. however i have studied latin for years, though it was ages ago. anyway, i was always taught not to translate literally, and not to stick to the words. so as i liked the great Tacitus, for his conciseness, here is my try:
victoria in acie requirit beef jerky.
(victory on the battlefield requires beef jerky)
(i prefer victoria to triumphus: triumphus is a triomphal march)
if you prefer to stick to your present motto, please replace "esse" by "sit": a conjunctivus is needed after "ut"
Okay...I think we can safely assume that BfBJ fans are the bigger nerds.
hey hey hey
we have to be nerds, as we don't have beef jerky
Don't be offended Jan,
I'm am counting myself in the nerd faction too...we don't have any beef jerky here in Duitsland either...;-)
Take it from the Link Whore, you're nerds. I don't know how many times I've driven past the local Star Trek convention to see all the greasy haired geeks chumping down on jerky. They go hand in hand. :o)
That's just mean spirited CJ. Please, no hits below the belt.
I hate to give the enemy more ammo and drag fellow beef jerky lovers down, but I did once attend a Star Trek convention in my youth...*sigh*...I hope I won't be banned for my admission...
Live long and prosper.
We all know that the Klingons, Romulans, Gorns, Borgs etc fought the Federation was because they couldn't stand beef jerky.
I haven't seen the new Star Wars but I think Vader turns to the Dark Side because he's a jerky hater.
I am being as nice as possible, considering CJ's a Jerky hater. But yeah, the site is utter chaos right now.
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Best of luck!
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